Susette Fisher tagged me...and I guess I am supposed to name 6 quirky things about myself! I don't think I'm quirky at all...LOL!
1. I have never slept very well...sort of an insomniac. I had trouble falling asleep and sometimes would wake up in the middle of the night.....until this job at Costco (where I start work at either 4 a.m. or 5 a.m.). Now, I have NO TROUBLE falling asleep, and nothing wakes me during the night, but if I wake up at all.....I very rarely am able to fall back asleep. I might as well get up and get something done!
2. I have never found a food that I didn't like....except maybe some bad sushi at a chinese buffet!
3. I LOVE to exercise. I mean it, I really LOVE it. And not just afterwards, you know, when you are proud of yourself for doing it. I mean before, during and after.....I LOVE IT! If I had no other responsibilities, I think I would exercise several hours every day!
4. I sing all the time. I bet you didn't realize there is a song for EVERY subject. Sometimes things that people say will remind me of a line in a song and I can't help myself, I belt it right out! Maybe not at that exact moment, I don't usually like to sing for an audience (unless it's my family....they are so used to me singing I'm not embarrassed any more). Too bad I don't have a better singing voice!
5. I am kind of a perfectionist....but only selectively! I like things neat and tidy (I organize my spices alphabetically in my kitchen cupboard, sort my stamp sets by size of box, socks by color, you get the picture) but I can go a week without mopping my kitchen and not have it bother me...? Hmmm.
6. I can't stay awake in a vehicle while it's moving....especially on trips longer than about 15 minutes! Even if I'm driving! Aaaah!
So there you have it, I'm really not quirky at all! I tag you! Gina, Ginay, Dana, Deena, Stacy, Kelli, Susan and Janelle.
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1 month ago
I am baffled about #3 still?? Are you for real? That's great. I just have never heard anyone say it like that before.. I will try and do this since I've been tagged but it may be quite a stretch.. Quirks? Not me!! LOL
I know! Weird, huh? I don't know what's wrong with me!
I love it Julie. I am so glad you played. It's fun to learn new things about you. I totally understand #3. We will forever be diehard exercise queens huh? I also understand and agree with you on #2,#5, and #6. I love the singing idea. Maybe I ought to try that one. I like it. My family might look at me weird though. Great answers Julie. Have a great day!
just saw this! so finally i did the tag on my blog. sorry i am slow to see this. :)
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